About Jagruti Foundadtion

About Jagruti Foundation

Jagruti Foundation is Non-profit organisation registered under Trust Act in 2010. It is located at Kuderu village,Kuderu Mandal, Ananatapur Dist. AP.

A group of very young individuals endowed with similar thoughts for wanting a change in the lives of poorer section of society through right education and proper health care, have come together to merge in their future endeavours.

It all began in the year 2005 with minor activities like Book distribution, Health awareness, Blood donation camps, Visiting Orphanages and Plantations near village areas. Extending the seva activities to higher roof, regular interactions with women folk and children near Rajapalem remote area saw a considerable change in the sanitary aspects and supplementary tuition courses respectively.

Korrakoddu, a village 35kms away from Anantapur district too had a similar job performed, added to it is a library and sessions run on education for government school children from 2014 to 2017. The individual’s passion grew up along with the years passed and their interest took a serious note giving rise to Jagruti Aadarsh Vidyalaya at Kuderu Mandalam with about 80 students. A Vidyalaya grounded in morality, focused upon cultural upbringing and surrounded



Is intended to create an environment where people are self-sufficient with high morale and Eco-Conscious



Enlightening the minds and hearts of the people towards Environment, Education and Livelihoods